Defining the Arrival Cycle

The arrival cycle will be named Bank_Arrivals in the Arrival Cycles edit table. Because the data is expressed in terms of percentages, we select Percent as the basis for the cycle. Also, the percentage values are not cumulative so we specify No in the Cumulative field.


Next, we click on the Table heading button to open another edit table for entering the cycle data.


In this example, even though the percentages of customers that have arrived are not cumulative, the time is always cumulative. Therefore, the table reads as follows: ten percent of the daily customers arrive in the first 1.5 hours, fifteen percent of the daily customers arrive between hour 1.5 and 2.5, and so on. The arrivals are randomly distributed according to a Uniform distribution during the time interval in which they arrive.

The arrival cycle is now defined and can be assigned to an arrivals record in the Arrivals edit table.